This is the chart you'll need to play "Win As Much As You Can"!
4X's - each loses $1
1X - wins $3
3Y's - each loses $1
2X's - each wins $2
2Y's - each loses $2
3X's - each wins $1
1Y - loses $3
4Y's - each wins $1
Rule #1 There is no talking!
Rule #2 - (see rule #1)
Put the entire group into "teams" of four (preferably at a table facing one another).
Each participant will require two cards, one with an "X" & one with a "Y".
On each of 10 rounds, the leader will give the command "Up" (each member of the "team" will choose one of the cards to hold up so the rest of the team can see all four).
Using the chart above, each member of the "team" calculates the amount of fictitious "dollars" which are won or lost, adjusting his/her imaginary back accent accordingly.
Each member of the "team" can select either "X" or "Y" as the ten rounds of the game are played. In other words, a participant can change from his/her "X" or "Y" as he/she sees fit.
Remember, the object of the game is to "Win As Much As You Can"!
When the 10th round has been completed, each "team" calculates that amount of money the "team" has won.
Emphasize the fact that the pronoun "you" in the title of the game can be seen as either singular or plural. If one sees "you" as singular, he/she will try to win more money than his/her teammates but if they see "you" as plural, a teammate will want to hold up his/her "Y" card and hope the others do as well because they will realize that the game is actually among the "teams" in the room. Remind everyone that you used the word "team" on a number of occasions when explaining the object and rules of the game hoping they would pick up on the fact that it is a "team competition" not an individual competition!
If the members of the team work together, a team can win $40 (but no team member will win any more money than any other team member).
When the calculations have been completed, ask the group why there is a "no talking" rule! A. If one member of the team realizes that it is indeed a team competition, he/she cannot convey that to the rest of the team (only hold up the "Y" card each time)! It emphasizes the importance of communication among teammates, on or off the ice!
For a more detailed explanation of the "X/Y Game" to go to episode #25 in season #2!
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